This is not a blog post.
When I started writing this blog, I quickly discovered that it would never work if I was on some sort of schedule. I write when I feel like there is a story to tell, and if no story bubbles up, then the blog patiently waits. We’ve been camping with no cell service for the past week or so, and came into town for a couple days to hit up an RV park for laundry, hot showers, and a little break from black/gray tank management. The RV park has WiFi, so I had hoped to get a blog post in while we were here. I was hoping that some sort of story would bubble up when it was a convenient place for it to do so… but that is the thing with inspiration and creativity, isn’t it? It has no schedule.
So this isn’t a blog post.
Instead, I am giving you a picture dump with a quick list of what we’ve been up to since arriving in Mexico.
Life on the beach with a village of other travelers is heaven, and was definitely the right way to redirect our journey.
We are happy. We are good. And that’s the whole story for now. :)
Our first stop was four nights in San Felipe, the closest beach town to the border on the Sea of Cortez. We spent some good family time there, celebrating Valentine’s Day and Brent’s birthday before making the long trek south.
San Felipe to Guerrero Negro on the Pacific Coast is a long haul, but we were rewarded for the long travel day by an epic experience at the gray whale sanctuary in Ojo de Liebre. I was on the verge of tears for pretty much the entire boat ride. I looked into the eye of a gray whale three feet away and we had a moment. It was unreal.
From Guerrero Negro, we headed back across the peninsula to La Playa Agua Caliente El Sargento near La Ventana where we met up with our village of families. It’s an organic group of traveling families, that sometimes move together and sometimes split apart. The dynamics are constantly evolving, coming and going, and we have loved making new connections while also deepening connections previously made on the road. The camping spot itself was heaven, right on the beach with walking/biking trails in the hills just behind us, and natural hot springs bubbling up a short walk up the way. Lovely.
Right now we are in Los Barriles with two other families to regroup and wash. This town is awesome and we’re enjoying the amenities while we prepare for the next leg.
Also, for those that may have noticed that Molly is missing from our pictures, she decided to enjoy a couple months of semi-retirement with Brent’s parents in Nevada. She’ll be 15 this year, and while she’s a total trooper, I think she’ll enjoy a quieter pace for a bit. We are planning to pick her up on our return from Mexico, although whether or not she’ll want to come back into the fray after her vacation from the chaos is another story…
In Joy, Truth, & Love,