
Pulling cards and setting intentions.

Pulling cards and setting intentions.

January 2, 2021

Damn it felt good to write that. 

Even though nothing has dramatically changed since the clock struck Midnight on the 1st, just energetically being out of 2020 feels good. Am I right?

I can feel a shift. The heaviness is lifting.

I see the light at the end of the tunnel, and even though the tunnel might still feel long, just being able to sense the light is enough for now.

I feel hopeful. 

I had a conversation with a friend a few weeks ago where she brought up being in a period of Transition. Having both birthed multiple kids, she was using the actual phase of birth known as “Transition” to describe where we are right now… both collectively, and personally.

If you’re unfamiliar, Transition (for many women) is the very worst part of the birthing process. It’s the point where you hit the wall. You absolutely can not take another moment. You become positive that humans were never meant to enter the world in this manner, and it is all some cosmic joke that is unraveling in this very second. 

You cannot go on. 

You are a failure. 

It is all a mistake. 

And you are sure it will never end.

And then, just like that… it does.

Luckily for humankind, Transition occurs in the very last moments before the baby finally emerges. And in that moment of birth, all of the pain and frustration is forgotten, and all you feel is love.

Overwhelming joy and gratitude and peace and love for this tiny being you are just now meeting for the first time. All of the pain/fear/uncertainty falls away, and all that’s left is love.

Her point was, we are in this period of transition right now. We are being incomprehensibly squeezed and broken, and it feels like it has been going on forever, and it feels like it will never end.

And the beauty waiting for us on the other side of all of this is currently beyond our comprehension.

But it is there. The beauty is there and it is patiently waiting for us to embrace it.

(Can I just take a pause here to express my gratitude for having such profoundly wise and beautiful friends in my life? Damn, I’m lucky).

Anyhoo… I really do believe that, both collectively as a society and personally, 2020 had a purpose. We were meant to be squeezed, to be made painfully uncomfortable, to be stretched and tested beyond what we thought possible. We needed to have this experience in order to shake us awake and force us to look at ourselves and our lives and our society and forge a new way of being.

We have the ability to be reborn. To start fresh. To create versions of ourselves, our families, and our society that are rooted in love.

We have the ability to create a world that reflects the beauty within each of us, rather than letting the world tell us who we should be.

I see so much freedom and joy and expression and creativity and truth and community and empathy and LOVE waiting for us on the other side of this. That is what has gotten us through, and it will always be what sustains us. 

I can’t wait to see what we are able to create together in this next phase of life. It is going to be pure magic.

And as we move through this period of transition, may we be grateful for the gifts it is giving us.

The wound is the place where the light enters you.” -Rumi

I spent the first day of 2021 very much in the way I would like to spend every day of my life. 

Surrounded by people I love, who nourish my soul. 

Taking some time to sit in stillness. 

Having honest and vulnerable conversations. 

Asking internal questions about how I want to show up for myself and others.

Dreaming about ways I can uniquely contribute.

Getting outside and breathing fresh air.

Consciously creating moments that come together as a life that feels good to live.

I wish the same for all of you, my sweet friends. Happy New Year… may it be our best one yet.

In Joy, Truth, & Love,



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